
asyncio(sort_by, *, client[, limit, ...])

This will always return the STEP file contents as well as the format the user originally requested.

asyncio_detailed(sort_by, *, client[, ...])

sync(sort_by, *, client[, limit, ...])

This will always return the STEP file contents as well as the format the user originally requested.

sync_detailed(sort_by, *, client[, limit, ...])*, response)[source][source]
Return type:

Response[Union[TextToCadResultsPage, Error, None]], *, client, limit=None, page_token=None, no_models=None)[source][source]
Return type:

Dict[str, Any]*, response)[source][source]
Return type:

Union[TextToCadResultsPage, Error, None]

async, *, client, limit=None, page_token=None, no_models=None)[source][source]

This will always return the STEP file contents as well as the format the user originally requested. This endpoint requires authentication by any Zoo user. It returns the text-to-CAD models for the authenticated user. The text-to-CAD models are returned in order of creation, with the most recently created text-to-CAD models first.

Return type:

Union[TextToCadResultsPage, Error, None]

async, *, client, limit=None, page_token=None, no_models=None)[source][source]
Return type:

Response[Union[TextToCadResultsPage, Error, None]], *, client, limit=None, page_token=None, no_models=None)[source][source]

This will always return the STEP file contents as well as the format the user originally requested. This endpoint requires authentication by any Zoo user. It returns the text-to-CAD models for the authenticated user. The text-to-CAD models are returned in order of creation, with the most recently created text-to-CAD models first.

Return type:

Union[TextToCadResultsPage, Error, None], *, client, limit=None, page_token=None, no_models=None)[source][source]
Return type:

Response[Union[TextToCadResultsPage, Error, None]]